David Ben-Porat

Dave Herrero


DBP is "a little Jewish boy from Connecticut, but nobody knows where Connecticut is, so (he) just says New York". In his potty training, he learned to boogie to the beats of hip hop, swing to some jazz, and dig in knee-deep to the "sexual healing" of soul and R&B music, yet fully aware of the melodic roots and traditions of his fellow Ashkenaz and Sfardic Heebs. It wasn't until he was abducted by zeh Germans that he learned the sauerkraut and beer necessities of synths and euro sounds in the modern day music era. But now he's back, combining the best of all his worlds (and he's ready to rock yours!), with the help of people from Chicago and Detroit's kickin' music scenes. Greg Magers clicking, knobbing, and on swag patrol at the Attic Studio. Ahhh Yesss! The game is on! Or in the words of Jay-Z, "L'Chaim! I wish for you a hundred years of success, but it's my Tiiiime!"

DPB also plays in Chicago staple, ‘Sidewalk Chalk’.

Click on the link to listen to more of David’s music featured in the library.